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NSAI is undertaking revision of two national food hygiene standards:

  • I.S 340 Hygiene in the catering sector
  • I.S. 341 Hygiene in food retailing and wholesaling

I.S. 340 provides guidance to compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 on hygiene of foodstuffs. It applies to food businesses where food is prepared and served to consumers and for example includes restaurants, hotels, fast food outlets, cafes, catering facilities and licensed premises.

I.S. 341 also provides guidance to compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004. It applies to food businesses that operate in the food retail sector and includes independent and multiple retailers, service stations and other retailers of food to consumers. The standard also applies to food businesses whose activities include the wholesale and distribution of food products.

Two working groups will undertake the revision process over a number of months.

If you are involved in the food catering or food retail and wholesale sectors and are interested in contributing to the revision process, you can register your interest at the following link: , citing your expertise and experience in the sector. If you would like more information or to discuss further, you can contact the James Stapleton, secretary to the NSAI Food Industry Standards Committee at