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Amendment to I.S. 340 “Hygiene in the catering sector”

EU Regulation No 1169/2011 requires all food businesses to provide allergen information for all foods sold on the premises.  The guidance on food labelling in I.S. 340 has been revised to reflect the requirements of the food information to consumers (FIC) regulation.

  • Click on Amendment to I.S. 340 and then click on English Preview icon if you wish to get a copy of the Amendment (no charge, for the amendment only print pages 1-9 of this preview).


Amendment to I.S. 341 “Hygiene in food retailing and wholesaling”

EU Regulation No 1169/2011 requires all food businesses to provide allergen information for all foods sold on the premises.  The guidance on food labelling in I.S. 341 has been revised to reflect the requirements of the food information to consumers (FIC) regulation.

The draft amendment is available on NSAI Your Standards, Your Say from 16 June 2015 until 14 July 2015

  • Click on Amendment to I.S. 341 and then click on English Preview icon if you wish to get a copy of the Amendment (no charge, for the amendment only print pages 1-17 of this preview).

If you require assistance or have any queries on the either of these draft amendment please contact