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NSSTA is a series approval issued to manufacturers for a limited number of vehicles of which the validity is restricted to the territory of the member state where issued


Vehicles produced under small series must comply with Statutory Instrument 201 of 2024. Multi stage approval shall require agreements between all manufacturers involved. 

Below please find the requirements for the relevant category of vehicle. References to 2019/2144(EU) for the individual items refers to the minimum UNECE series level (see link below).

Manufacturers must also demonstrate to the approval authority a functioning quality system and adequate control plans to ensure conformity of production for vehicles produced under the NSSTA. An onsite audit of the production facilities and periodic surveillance audits shall be required. See AVBB manual for additional information. An NSAI appointed Technical Service may also be required for submission of a National Small Series Type Approval in some cases.

Small series limits

Maximum number of units
per type per year
M1 250
M2/M3 250
N1 250
N2/N3 250
O1/O2 500
O3/O4 250

Learn More

Please contact NSAI for the appropriate documentation and to discuss NSSTA requirements. On site audit may need to be arranged. An NSAI Appointed Technical Service may also be required for applications submitted.

Stephanie Flood
T: 00 353 1 807  3879