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Standard title: I.S. 361:2013 - Code of practice for the safe use of tower cranes and self-erecting crane

The National Standards Authority of Ireland wishes to announce the launch of a review and period of public comment on the following Irish Standard:

“I.S. 361:2013 - Code of practice for the safe use of tower cranes and self-erecting cranes”

The standard covers the requirements for the safe use of tower and self-erecting cranes including:

  • the selection of an appropriate tower or self-erecting crane;
  • planning an installation (including site specific design work);
  • erection;
  • extension;
  • maintenance;
  • operation; and,
  • dismantling.

Whilst this Irish Standard deals with tower and self-erecting cranes primarily engaged in construction activities, parts of it are also applicable to the use of such cranes in other types of workplaces such as factories, where duties relating to safe use, provision of safe equipment, maintenance and periodic examination, training and supervision, will lie with the employer. Similarly, those responsible for crane erection/dismantling will be responsible for appropriate Risk Assessments and Method Statements, and use of correct procedures, to cover those activities

I.S. 361:2013 should be reviewed in conjunction with the 2nd edition of I.S. 360 Code of Practice: Safe use of cranes in the construction industry - Part 1: General which was revised in 2019 and specifies the general requirements for the management, planning, selection of competent people, maintenance, operating/weather conditions and special applications associated with the use of cranes. I.S. 360:2019 may be purchased from .

The review and public consultation will remain open until the 11st December 2020. Full details on this revision and the mechanism for submitting comments is available from the NSAI website (Your Standards, Your Say).