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This is an invitation to contribute to a public consultation in the context of an upcoming revision of the
Personal Protective Equipment Directive 89/686/EEC

How does this impact you as a Stakeholder :

Standards in the field of personal protective equipment are developed and published as harmonized standards under the Directive.  Products standard address  the relevant basic health and safety requirements laid out in the Directive.  The Directive defines inspection criteria, technical file generation, health and safety requirements and how to place a product on the market within the EU. 

If you think that content of the Directive could be improved to provide a higher level of safety, greater clarify etc then now is your chance to comment during the public consultation process.

Target groups

Member States authorities, Market surveillance authorities, National and European Industry associations, Importers, Retailers, Manufacturers, Trade Unions, Users/consumers and consumer associations, Workers Employers' federations, Environmental organisations, Chambers of commerce, Test houses, Notified Bodies, Consultancies, Other relevant stakeholders and Citizens (inside and outside of the European Union).

Period of consultation

  • From 13.04.2011 to 14.06.2011

Objective of the consultation

The main objective of this public consultation launched by DG Enterprise and Industry is to ask the views and opinions of citizens and stakeholders on the various issues that may need to be addressed in a draft proposal for the revision of the Personal Protective Equipment Directive 89/686/EEC.
  The replies to this consultation will provide the Commission services with a broader range of views on the identified policy needs and should enable to improving or confirming the envisaged approaches.

After analysing the results of this consultation, the Commission services will publish their findings on the Commission website. The findings on this public consultation will be part of the impact assessment report that will accompany the Commission's proposal for amending the Directive.

How to submit your contribution

To make it easy for participants to respond, the Commission services are using "Your Voice in Europe" - Interactive Policy Making (IPM) tool for this purpose. IPM aims at improving Governance by using the Internet to collect and analyse reactions.  You are invited to reply to this public consultation by answering the IPM on-line questionnaire.

Received contributions will be published on the Internet. It is important to read the specific privacy statement attached to this consultation for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with.


Contact details

DG Enterprise and Industry, Unit G4 - Mechanical, Electrical and Telecom Equipment E-mail 
Postal address: European Commission, BREY 07/305, B-1049 Brussels

Should you require further information contact NSAI Standards