Public Consultation
NSAI bring to your attention the opportunity to be part of the public consultation for a proposal to align ten Directives to Decision 768/2008. It is expected that the legislative package will be submitted as a proposal for negotiation early next year.The consultation was launched on the alignment of the existing rules for the marketing of:
- electrical and electronic products
- lifts
- pressure equipment
- measuring equipment
- civil explosives
- pyrotechnic articles
- equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
In this consultation the Commission welcomes contributions from economic operators, users, public authorities, conformity assessment bodies, as well as other stakeholders including industry associations and consumer interest associations who have had direct experience with the marketing of these products and/or with the application of the relevant sector legislation.
The alignment will insert the provisions of the EU Decision into the sectoral Directives and Re-Cast them. The provisions of the Decision include harmonised obligations for economic operators, common definitions, procedures for conformity assessment and the notification of bodies to the Commission, and some market surveillance provisions (mainly references to Regulation 765/2008). NSAI has provided a link for you to participate in the on-line consultation for the Directives that are applicable to you. It is important to ensure that Irish concerns and opinions are voiced at this stage before the legal proposals are finalised.
Follow the link for information on how to submit your contribution.
Background information:
In July 2008, Council and the European Parliament adopted the New Legislative Framework (NLF), a set of measures enhancing the functioning of the internal market in goods.The NLF consists of two complementary instruments:
- Regulation 765/2008/EC on accreditation and market surveillance and
- Decision 768/2008/EC establishing a common framework for the marketing of products.
This information is issued on behalf of the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, Unit C1: Regulatory approach for the Free Movement of Goods and Market Surveillance