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The Board of the National Transport Authority met on the 15th September and approved the proposed increase in the maximum taxi fare by an average of 3.22%, to take effect on 01 February 2018.

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Taxi Installer Information - 2018 Fare Increase

Section 39 (3) of the 2008 Legal Metrology Regulations states that all new tariff programs for taximeters must be verified by NSAI Legal Metrology before they can be installed in an operational taximeter. To this end, all Installers of taximeters who program or distribute programs must contact Legal Metrology at:
NSAI Legal Metrology
Poppintree Industrial Estate,
Ballymun, Dublin 11.
Tel: (01) 864 3848
Legal Metrology will commence testing of taxi programs with the 2018 fare from the 2nd October 2017.
Successfully tested programs will be released from the 16th October 2017.

Verification of Taximeters with 2018 Fare

The Legal Metrology Authorised Verifier, Applus Car Testing Ltd. will commence verification of taximeters capable of running the current fare and new 2018 fare from the 23rd October nationwide. Schedule your appointment early as verification slots cannot be guaranteed closer to the 1st February 2018.

Display of Pricing 

Legislation is in place that requires the use of metric units at all times. Section 4.(1) of S.I. No. 255/1992 - European Communities (Units of Measurement) Regulations, 1992, states that “The use of the units of measurement specified in Chapter 1 (set out in Schedule 1 to these Regulations) of the Annex to the Council Directive is hereby authorised and all units of measurement in the metric system shall be determined in accordance with that Chapter”. 

When displaying pricing by length or volume, metric units must be used. Imperial units may also be used, but the text used for the display of the imperial units may not be more prominent than the text used for the display of the metric units. Section 7.(1) (b) of S.I. No. 255/1992 states that “the indication expressed in an authorised unit shall predominate and a supplementary indication shall be expressed in characters no larger than those of the corresponding indication in an authorised unit”.

All pricing displays should be revised to ensure compliance with the requirements of S.I. No. 255/1992 – European Communities (Units of Measurement) Regulations. Legal Metrology Inspectors regularly conduct inspections to determine compliance with these regulations.