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The National Standards Authority of Ireland wishes to announce the launch of a period of public enquiry from the
2nd October 2013 until the 2nd December 2013
on amendments to the following;

Irish Standard – I.S. 3216 Code of Practice – Bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

This Standard deals with the storage of LPG under pressure at ambient temperatures in fixed and skid mounted vessels larger than 150 litres. The content of this standard represents the minimum requirements for the safe storage of LPG at fixed installations. However, in specific circumstances the regulatory authorities may find it necessary to impose additional safeguards.
  An amendment to the 2010 standard was agreed to take account of the following;
  • Clarifications on where vehicles can be parked in relation to LPG tanks
  • Precautions for cylinder filling

How to submit comments

Full details on the amendments and the mechanism for submitting comments are available on the following link:
Enquiries should be sent to