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NSAI has announced the launch of a period of public enquiry from the 30th August 2013 until the 1st November 2013 on the following Standard Recommendation (amendment):

S.R. 21: Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 13242:2013 –

Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction.

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Full details on this draft Standard Recommendation and the mechanism for submitting comments is available from:  

Additional Information

This Standard Recommendation provides advice on the use of I.S. EN 13242:2013 in Ireland and has been updated in line with the revisions to I.S. EN 13242:2013.

Annex E of SR 21, gives recommendations for the specification of unbound granular fill (hardcore) material for use under concrete floors and footpaths.

Annex E has been revised in line with the revisions of I.S. EN 13242:2013 and recommendations of the Report of the Pyrite Panel 2012. This revision to Annex E, SR 21 (amendment) has harnessed the current level of knowledge and experience from a wide stakeholder group by expanding and updating the existing guidance where appropriate.

The main changes to S.R. 21 (amendment) Annex E are in the following areas: (see the draft document for details)

1. Material Properties

  1. Grading
  2. Geological description
  3. Durability
  4. Total Sulfur

2. Geological and petrographic assessment

More explicit guidance is given on the geological and petrographic assessment to limit the risk of swelling or sulfate attack on concrete, due to the presence of a reactive form of pyrite.

3. Factory Production Control

The minimum test frequencies as specified in I.S. EN 16236:2013 for some properties are increased in order to improve confidence within the supply chain.

4. System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVoCP)

The system of attestation and verification of constancy of performance has changed from system 4 to system 2+ for this particular end use aggregate. 

5. Documentation

The intended use of this special end use aggregate should be clearly stated on the Declaration of Performance, and other documentation.

For enquiries on this Standard Recommendation contact Therese Clarke, NSAI Standards Development