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NSAI marks World Metrology Day by educating younger generations on the importance of accurate measurement

20th May 2024 – Today, the 20th of May, marks World Metrology Day. The National Standards Authority of Ireland’s National Metrology Laboratory (NML) and Legal Metrology Service (LMS) is recognising this important day by hosting local primary school students to educate them on the importance and value of accurate measurement. The students from Glasnevin National School will hear from NSAI scientists and legal metrology inspectors about the significance of metrology, and its role in fostering sustainability and trust in society.

This year marks the official recognition by UNESCO of 20 May each year as a UNESCO International Day. This designation opens new avenues to promote metrology, aligning with UNESCO’s mission to construct a better world through science and education.

World Metrology Day commemorates the anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention in Paris, in 1875. This treaty provides the basis for a worldwide coherent measurement system that underpins scientific discovery and innovation, industrial manufacturing and international trade, as well as the improvement of the quality of life and the protection of the global environment.

Minister of State in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Emer Higgins TD commenting on NSAI’s involvement in World Metrology Day said: 

Accurate measurement is the cornerstone of responsible and sustainable trade, ensuring fairness, transparency, and trust for businesses and the public. I recognise the critical role that the NSAI’s National Metrology Laboratory and Legal Metrology Service plays in safeguarding accuracy and facilitating economic growth. Commerce, science, government, education and law all require accurate, reliable and consistent measurement standards. Initiatives like World Metrology Day gives us an opportunity to highlight the importance of precision in measurement science, so businesses can operate in a trustworthy and sustainable marketplace.”

The National Metrology Laboratory plays a pivotal role in establishing, maintaining, and disseminating national standards for physical units. NML ensures the accuracy and reliability of measurements in industries such as manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, thus supporting precision measurements, fair trade transactions, and consistent health diagnosis and treatment. It also launched Ireland’s first national timing grid in 2023.

Similarly, the Legal Metrology Service upholds measurement standards to promote fairness and trust in trade. It conducts regulatory functions under metrology legislation, which includes the Metrology Acts of 1980 to 2017. Its functions include the inspection of measuring instruments in trade use, such as liquid fuel dispensers on petrol forecourts, glassware in licenced premises and milk metering systems mounted on dairy trucks.

Accurate measurement is the cornerstone of responsible and sustainable trade, ensuring fairness, transparency, and trust for businesses and the public.

Emer Higgins Minister of State for Business, Employment, and Retail

In 2023, NSAI:

  • Issued 5,200 calibration certificates to over 420 companies (NML)
  • Delivered 20 NML courses attended by 74 Irish companies (NML)
  • Completed 515 research days, contributing to European research programmes and advancing metrology capabilities (NML).
  • Visited 6,770 trade premises across Ireland (LMS)
  • Inspected 24,607 trade instruments (LMS)

Geraldine Larkin, CEO of the NSAI said:

 Confidence in measuring accuracy is the basis for a successful economy. Standards and measurements impact every aspect of our daily lives - whether it’s the amount of petrol that we put into our cars, or the weight of packaged goods we buy in our local supermarket. We especially rely on correct measurement when buying or selling goods, but we only become aware of them when something goes wrong. Our metrology divisions play a pivotal role in ensuring fair trade practices. Through initiatives like school visits on World Metrology Day, we aim to inspire future generations while reinforcing our goal of promoting fair and transparent trade practices that benefit consumers and businesses alike. We would also like to use the day to remind businesses, such as those in the food and drink industry, retail, fisheries and livestock sectors, to check their measuring instruments, to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation.”

As Ireland’s official standards and metrology body, NSAI aims to inspire consumer confidence and create reliability of products and services by innovating to shape a safer, better, and more sustainable future. The theme for World Metrology Day 2024 is ‘Sustainability’. Sustainability affects many different areas of metrology and is of vital importance for European strategies. Accurate measurements are the basis of environmental research and policymaking and enable us to understand and tackle complex environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. 

Through initiatives like school visits on World Metrology Day, we aim to inspire future generations while reinforcing our goal of promoting fair and transparent trade practices that benefit consumers and businesses alike.

Geraldine Larkin CEO of NSAI

The theme of sustainability explores how metrology contributes to improving our lives every day. Accurate and reliable measurements enable better monitoring of environmental parameters, better assessment of the impact of human activities, and the development of strategies that promote ecological balance. 

To find out more about the National Metrology Laboratory (NML) visit, and to find out more about Legal Metrology, visit