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Public Consultation until 28th October 2016

NSAI wishes to announce the launch of a period of public enquiry on the draft Amendment to S.R. 325:2013+A1:2014

  • S.R. 325:2013+A1:2014 Amendment 2 Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6

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Full details on this standard and the mechanism for submitting comments is available from the NSAI Yours Standards, Your Say


S.R. 325:2013+A1:2014 contains a reference to I.S. EN 13914‐1:2005 Design, preparation and application of external rendering and internal plastering ‐ Part 1: External rendering, which has been revised and the new version was published in 2016.

The final paragraph of Clause 1 of I.S. EN 13914‐1:2016 permits individual countries to provide further appropriate guidance to complement this EN standard in order for it to be usable to practitioners in each country. This is indicated by footnotes throughout the text, which cross‐refer to this Note the final paragraph of Clause 1.

The Masonry Panel have identified issues that it considers necessary to give advice on regarding the application of I.S. EN 13914‐1 in Ireland, in particular providing for the continuity of advice previously contained in BS 5262 Code of practice for External renderings. 

The Masonry Panel consider this information should be provided in an new Annex to S.R. 325, which is the appropriate consolidated guidance on matters pertaining to the use of masonry in Ireland. 

Comments are welcome on other aspects of S.R. 325 if presented on the comment sheet, with clause references, but any such comments will be dealt with outside the Public Enquiry and after the Amendment work is completed.