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The development of the first European standards for Beauty Salon services is underway with the initial draft for Public Enquiry expected in February 2014.

EN 16708 – Beauty Salon Services – Requirements and recommendations for the provision of services is being developed by the European Standard Development body CEN.  CEN Technical Committee (TC) 409 has been working on developing this standard, with up to 11 participating countries from Europe getting involved. Technical experts from each country are nominated by National Standard Bodies (NSB's) in each participating country.  NSAI, the National Standards Body (NSB) in Ireland, is currently secretary to TC 409 and  Ms Carina Fagan-Brereton of VTCT is currently convening the work.

A key part of the standard development process is the Public Enquiry stage.  This is where draft standards are made available, through the NSB's across Europe to end users.  This allows any interested parties or stakeholder to access the proposed draft and to provide comment on the technical content.

This is a useful input for the Technical committee in preparing the next and final draft of the standard before publication.  The Enquiry stage for prEN 16708 (the draft standard) is expected to begin on the 6th of February.

It is important that salon owners, beauticians and other stakeholders in the industry provide their input on this new standard so the final draft can be prepared taking into account user's feedback.

NSAI provides copies of all draft European standards on their draft standard commenting website:
Your Standard Your Say

For more information the standards process see NSAI Draft Standards

For more information on the work of CEN TC 409 contact:

Ms. Linda Hendy
NSAI Standards Officer