A new CEN Technical Committee 437 has been formed with the scope:
- Standardization in the field of electronic cigarettes and related e-liquids (consumable), including or not nicotine, for which no other technical committee exists.
The Secretariat is held by the French National Standards Body, AFNOR, which provided to the CEN Technical Board the proposal for committee establishment.
In October 2014, AFNOR submitted a proposal for the creation of new technical committee on ‘Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids’ with the aim to develop European Standards dealing with safety aspects for both e-cigarettes (mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical hazards etc.) and e-liquid (the content of chemicals including nicotine and formaldehyde, black listed components: heavy metals, allergens etc.), as well as analytical methods providing a basis for determination and quantification of all chemical components stated in the requirements relating to safety of these products.
The proposal was accepted by National Standards Bodies and ratified by the CEN Technical Board in January 2015. Currently there are no European standards defining safety requirements for electronic cigarettes and e-liquids, nor on related test methods. The proposed standardization activity will support the already identified need to create requirements and suitable measurement techniques for the fast-growing market of e-cigarettes and ensure protection for end-users.
It is important that all categories of affected stakeholders are consulted and involved in the work, including, in particular, manufacturers, suppliers and end-users.
Manufacturing and distribution interests in Ireland have expressed an interest in participating, and have formed an Interest Group to provide advice to NSAI on relevant standardization in this programme.
Other interests in Ireland that may wish to participate in this TC’s work and possibly be part of the delegation to the first working meeting to take place on 22 June in AFNOR, Paris, France, should contact the NSAI Standards Officer, who can provided further background information if required.
For more information, contact us.