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CEN/TC 449 "Quality of care for older people ”

Interested in developing a standard for the quality of care for older people?

NSAI would like to inform those that have interest in standardization in the field of our ageing society and the quality of care of older persons in ordinary or residential care facilities, of the establishment at European level of a Technical Committee by CEN :

CEN/TC 449 "Quality of care for older people ”

This work may be of interest to but not limited to :
- Service providers
- Care & Health Professionals
- Residential care facilities
- organisations representing the needs of older persons
- organisations representing the diverse population of older persons 
- consumer interests
- societal interests/societal stakeholders

The scope of this Technical committee is the development of a European standard (EN), or a set of standards, specifying requirements for quality of care, services, nursing and rehabilitation delivered to elderly people with extensive needs in ordinary or residential care facilities.

NOTE: CEN is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.

A number of meetings of this Technical committee (TC 447) have taken place and a preliminary working draft is under development. The next meeting will take place on the 23 and 24 October 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic.

If you would like to participate in this work please contact Ms Elizabeth O'Ferrall, Technical Standardization at or telephone (01) 8073855.