- National Metrology Laboratory >
- Calibration Services >
- Temperature and Humidity
NSAI NML can calibrate the following instruments:
- Digital Temperature and/or Humidity indicators and recorders, with temperature sensors
- Resistance thermometers, calibrated by comparison
- Resistance thermometers, fixed point calibration
- Fixed point cells
- Thermocouples up to 660 °C
- Dry Block ‘calibrators’
- Temperature calibration baths
- Humidity generators
- Temperature and/or Humidity Data-loggers
- Chart recorders
- Dial temperature gauges
- Liquid-in-glass thermometers, mercury filled
- Liquid-in-glass thermometers, spirit filled
- Thermostats
- IR thermometers
- IR calibrators
The NSAI NML maintains temperature fixed point standards, covering a temperature range
from -38 °C to +420 °C,ensuring that calibrations performed by the NSAI NML have direct
traceability to the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90).
Approved Calibration and
Measurement Capabilities
ISO 17025:2017 Compliance
ISO 9001 Certificate 
Dubhaltach Mac Lochlainn
NSAI National Metrology Laboratory,
Glasnevin, Dublin 11 D11 E527
T: +353 1 808 2607 / 085 7175729
E: dubhaltach.maclochlainn@nsai.ie