The European Standards Committee on ICT Professionalism and Digital Competences, CEN/TC 428, has released a White Paper on how standards on ICT professionalism can support European AI policies to embed ICT professional competence within the development of AI systems.
With legislation on Artificial Intelligence progressing in the European Parliament, and in the context of the European Year of Skills, there are many ongoing discussions on how to use AI responsibly and on how to address the technological skills gap that Europe is currently facing. The new White Paper by CEN/TC 428 takes stock of these important debates to holistically look at the role of ICT Professionalism in Artificial Intelligence, and how it can be supported using European standardization. You can find a link to the full whitepaper here.
Chair of CEN/TC 428, Mary Cleary, who also leads NSAI’s National Standards Committee on this subject, participated in the NSAI Top Team on Standards in AI. This important topic of professionalism and ethical competencies in AI was part of the Team’s deliberations and the resulting Roadmap which was recently launched by Ministers Richmond and Calleary and can be found here.
[Information courtesy of: Ensuring a harmonised AI and ICT Professionalism standardization: read the new CEN White Paper - CEN-CENELEC (]