Public Consultation
NSAI announces a period of public consultation on roadside fencing standards.
Comment on these drafts through NSAI Your Standards, Your Say by clicking the links below.
- I.S. 435-1:201X "Roadside fencing - Timber post and rail – Part 1: Requirements for timber"
- I.S. 435-2:201X "Roadside fencing - Timber post and rail – Part 2: Erection of fencing by excavation for posts
- I.S. 435-3:201X " Roadside fencing - Timber post and rail – Part 3: Erection of fencing by driving of posts
Background Irish Standard I.S. 435 (parts 1 to 3) "Roadside fencing – Timber post and rail" have been
revised by NSAI/TC 008/Task Group 4 "Fencing/Preservation".
I.S. 435-1:201X
The changes introduced to I.S. 435-1:201X by this revision include:
Title of the standard is changed;
- Requirements for timber are now specifies in I.S. 435-1:201X;
- Timber preservation requirements are updated;
- Limit of moisture content is changed;
- Moisture measurement methods are updated;
- Requirements for presentation of timber prior to treatment are introduced;
- Marking requirements for timber bales are changed;
- Use of a longer post in soft ground is introduced;
- Figures are updated.
I.S. 435-2:201X
The changes introduced to I.S. 435-2:201X by this revision include:
- Title of the standard is changed;
- Requirements for all non-timber materials are included in I.S. 435-2:201X;
- Labelling of ancillaries is now included;
- Transport and on-site storage of timber posts and rails and ancillaries is included.
I.S. 435-3:201X
The changes introduced to I.S. 435-3:201X by this revision include:
Title of the standard is changed;
- Requirements for all non-timber materials are now specified in I.S. 435-3:201X;
- Use of a longer post in soft ground is introduced;
- Labelling of ancillaries is now included;
- Transport and on-site storage of timber posts and rails and ancillaries is included.
These revised standards will be of interest to interested parties such as saw mills, timber preservation operators, roadside fencing contractors, road building contractors, specifiers and suppliers of ancillary materials.
Contact NSAI Standards
For information on these draft standards please contact NSAI Standards Development