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S.R. 21:2014 was developed by the Aggregates Panel of NSAI's Roads Standards Committee.

I.S. EN 13242:2002 +A1:2007 specifies the properties of aggregates for use in unbound and hydraulically bound materials.  S.R. 21:2014 is a complete revision of S.R. 21:2004+A1:2007 and provides advice on the use of I.S. EN 13242:2002+A1:2007 in Ireland where guidance is deemed necessary.

Annexes A, B, C, D and F of this S.R. provide guidance for the specification of aggregate properties for various end uses, within the ranges permitted in I.S. EN 13242:2002+A1:2007 and equivalent to those currently specified in Ireland, by reference to the relevant National Roads Authority (NRA) Specification for Road Works.

Annex E has been revised in line with the recommendations of the Report of the Pyrite Panel 2012 and the knowledge and experience gained, since 2007, on pyrite. Annex E gives recommendations for specifying material properties and recommendations for procedures for production of unbound granular fill (commonly known as hardcore) for use under concrete floors and footpaths.

The main changes to S.R. 21:2014 Annex E are in the following areas:

  • Material Properties
Geological description
Total Sulfur
  • Geological and petrographic assessment
More explicit guidance is given on the geological and petrographic assessment to limit the risk of swelling due to the potential presence of a reactive form of pyrite.
  • Factory Production Control
The minimum test frequencies as specified in Annex C of I.S. EN 13242:2002+A1:2007 for some properties are increased in order to improve confidence within the supply chain.
  • System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP)
The system of attestation and verification of constancy of performance has changed from system 4 to system 2+ for this particular end use aggregate.
  • Documentation
The intended use of this aggregate should be clearly stated on the Declaration of Performance, and other documentation.

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Email S.R. 21 queries to Therese Clarke 

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*I.S. EN 13242:2002+A1:2007 Aggregates for unbound and hyrdaulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction