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NSAI has launched the public consultation for the systematic review of S.R. 325:2013 +A2:2018 - Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6.

Public consultation period: From 6th October until 17th November, inclusive.

The scope of the Standard recommendation:

This Standard Recommendation contains non-contradictory complementary information as guidance material for the use in Ireland of the following EN Eurocode 6 series of standards I.S. EN 1996-1-1, I.S. EN 1996-1-2 and I.S. EN 1996-2. 

Content of the SR

The SR contains the following:  
•    guidance material for the use in Ireland of the following EN Eurocode 6 Masonry series of standards, I.S. EN 1996-1-1, I.S. EN 1996-1-2 and I.S. EN 1996-2 
•    guidance from previous Irish codes of practice for the use of masonry
•    information on the harmonized European standards I.S. EN 771, I.S. EN 845 and I.S. EN 998
•    guidance on I.S. EN 13914-1 relating to render 

View the document and submit comments:

All interested parties are invited to comment on the Standard Recommendation S.R. 325:2013 +A2:2018 through the NSAI “Your Standards Your Say” (YSYS) below.

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