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- Requirements with guidance for use

This draft international standard for public comment specifies requirements of an energy management system for an organisation to develop and implement an energy policy, establish objectives, targets and action plans, which take into account legal requirements and information pertaining to significant energy use.  This draft International Standard is based on a continual improvement framework and incorporates energy management into everyday organisational practices.
  ISO (the International Organisation for Standardisation) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies of which NSAI is a member.

ISO 50001 was prepared by Project Committee ISO/PC 242, Energy Management, on which Ireland has representation.
  Comments on draft International Standard 50001 are welcome from individuals or organisations. 
Only comments submitted using the comment form can be accepted for consideration by the national expert group, the NSAI Energy Standards Consultative Committee, prior to submission to ISO.

  • The comments should be classified as technical  "te" or editorial "ed" in nature or general "ge".
  • The clause or sub-clause of the draft standard to which the comment applies should be identified on the comment form.
  • Where text in the draft standard is considered to be inadequate suggested replacement text should be included in the comment form.
  • Where, it is considered that there is no appropriate text in the draft standard text should be submitted for consideration by the national expert group.

The draft standard and comment form can be found on the NSAI webpage Draft Standards for Public Comment
Submissions should be returned to NSAI no later than 5pm on July 19th  2010 to: Therese Clarke

Queries should be directed by email to Therese Clarke or telephone at 01 - 807 3967



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