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Curriculum for training professionals in Universal Design
(CEN WS/UD-Prof-Curriculum)


CWA UD- Prof 004 Version 3

This draft CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is to specify and recommend a curriculum for training ICT professionals in the Universal Design approach.

This draft CWA was prepared by a group of international experts from industry, academia, IT training organisations, government agencies and representative bodies for people with disabilities.

Universal Design (UD) aims to design ICT products and services so they can be used by everyone without the need for specialised solutions or adaptations regardless of a person’s age, size, environment, ability or disability. A crucial part of the approach is compliance with relevant standards and guidelines. It aims to develop technology that is robust, can be used on different platforms or in different contexts of use, as well as being usable by users with different skills.  In order for ICT industry to adopt UD principles, methods and solutions, the professionals involved will need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. This is a crucial condition for an effective, as well as economic, change in management and production process in the ICT industry.  The UD curriculum to be specified by this CEN workshop shall identify the knowledge and skills that are necessary to successfully implement the UD approach in an ICT development process. The training guidelines shall reflect the special training needs of ICT professionals, the conditions and context of training for professionals, and the different needs of different professional roles in the ICT industry.

To view this Draft CWA UD Prof 004 Version 3 - Curriculum for training professionals in Universal Design click here …… or at

A Template is enclosed for those that may wish to comment on the Draft CWA .

Please Note the following:

  • Only comments made using this form will be accepted for consideration by the expert group.
  • The comments should be classified as technical "T" or editorial "E" in nature.
  • The clause or sub-clause of the draft standard to which the comment applies should be identified on the template.
  • Where text in the draft CWA is considered to be inadequate suggested replacement text should be included in the template
  •  Where there is no appropriate text in the draft standard text should be submitted for consideration by the expert group.
  • Submissions should be returned no later than close of business on the 26th April 2010 to :

Queries should be directed to either Elizabeth O'Ferrall, NSAI by e-mail or telephone at 018073855 or Donal Rice, Chairman of CWA UD Prof at , 01-6080430