NSAI is currently proposing to withdraw I.S. 380:2007 – Beauty and holistic therapy management of training centres, and is carrying out consultation on this proposal.
The development of this standard began in 2004 when NABTET – the National Agency for Beauty Therapy Education and Training approached NSAI to develop a national standard for the sector. The aim of the standard was to provide a framework of management practices for beauty and holistic therapy schools however the qualification of students and any external assessments were not included.
As the standard was published over 10 years ago and there has been no further updates NSAI is now proposing to withdraw this standard.
To facilitate consultation the standard is currently available on the NSAI Draft Standard portal Your Standard Your Say until November 26th. To access copy and provide comments/feedback sign up to NSAI Your Standards Your Say – see the NSAI website for more information.
You can search, access and provide feedback through this portal before the deadline - Nov, 26th, 2021.
Any queries on this, contact us.